We Make
Uncomfortable Conversations
More Comfortable

Some of the biggest barriers to creating inclusive experiences
are fear & shame

We know that awkwardness around saying or doing the ‘wrong thing,’ or knowing when to ask for and offer help can really get in the way of meaningful change.

Our approach is unique in that we aim to make inclusion, diversity, and equity an approachable, and maybe even fun, area of work. We work to create a foundation of shared understanding so that everyone, regardless of power or position, feels ready to act.

Image Description: A group of people seated on chairs in a circle. They are in a large bright foyer surrounded by windows.
Photo by
Jamie Mann

Work with IX if you are:

  • An organization, big or small, who wants to ‘do something’ related to inclusion and equity but is nervous about saying or doing the wrong thing.

  • A leader who may have experience with other types of training and consultants that were heady, overwhelming, or left you feeling ashamed and stuck.

  • Anyone who ‘gets’ the importance of customer experience, and is motivated to be more inclusive.


  • Unpacking Assumptions

    In this foundational workshop, attendees are supported to identify and challenge their existing biases about disability. Learners leave with a sense of why anti-ableism matters and motivated to create change.

    Prerequisite for other workshops

  • Creating Inclusive Experiences

    Building on Unpacking Assumptions, this immersive workshop dives deep into how attendees can adjust their behaviour and take action to dismantle ableism.

  • How To Be Anti-Ablelist

    This immersive workshop is designed to move learners from theory to action, galvanizing attendees to dismantle ableism in their workplaces, classrooms and communities.

  • From Armchair Ally To Accomplice

    In this intermediate workshop, learners are supported to explore various forms of allyship. Through personal self-reflection and engaging activities, learners will understand the harm of performative allyship and begin to develop steps to active allyship. This workshop is best suited for learners who have completed our foundational Unpacking Assumptions workshop.

  • Active & Inclusive Bystanding

    This intermediate workshop supports learners to identify and intervene in situations where discrimination or harmful exclusion is taking place. Staff will understand the signs of exclusion and discrimination, and practice methods for safely intervening to interrupt the situation and prevent harm. This workshop is best suited for learners who have completed our foundational Unpacking Assumptions workshops.

  • Living Library

    Designed to increase understanding and reduce prejudice, this experience allows staff to hear stories and perspectives from equity-seeking people. In a small group, staff can ‘check out' people who have lived experience of being misrepresented, hear their stories, get to know them, and ask them questions.

  • Anti-Ableism: An Introduction (Schools Program)

    Students are supported to identify and challenge existing storylines about disability. The sessions are activity based and draw on intersectional and anti-oppression practices. Students have an opportunity to prepare for and meet disabled folx and take steps to becoming young active anti-ableists.

  • A Note On IX Workshops

    Workshops are tailored to meet the needs of clients.

    Workshops are a minimum of 90-minutes in duration.

    We use powerful storytelling, inclusive facilitation and dynamic activities to ensure utmost participation and engagement.

Service Design

  • Immersive Pilot: Disability

    The IX team will bring an engaged group (3-5) of disabled people to participate in a live run-through of your service experience. This will provide your team with an opportunity to pilot the experience, receive live feedback and ask questions. This ‘tried and tested’ pilot will provide staff the opportunity to be creative, fumble, learn, and gain confidence in a safe and supportive environment. To do this responsibly, staff must first go through our workshop Unpacking Assumptions.

    Disabled experts will be remunerated for their time, knowledge and experiences. Cost will be incorporated into service contract.

  • IX Design Lab

    This immersive experience supports staff to (re)consider their unique role in fostering inclusive experiences for those they serve. Staff will be supported to map a detailed visitor or client experience, and identify opportunities for inclusion and connection. Staff will leave with a clear picture of how they can each prepare for, and contribute to an inclusive experience for those they serve. A follow-up report is provided with short, medium and long-term actions for fostering an inclusive experience.

  • Inclusive Community Engagement

    Our team will help design and deliver highly inclusive engagements to ensure you are hearing from diverse voices. This service includes a contributor map to identify perspectives you may be missing and can include participant recruitment, engagement design, and facilitation. The IX team brings creative, accessible, and evidence-based facilitation skills to ensure that you are gaining insights from diverse voices in a safe and respectful way.

    We have led focus groups with nearly 500 youth under 30, parent/guardians and various sector leaders.