
National Research Council Canada logo
University of British Columbia logo
Prospera Credit Union logo
Empowered Kids Ontario logo
viaSport British Columbia logo
University of the Fraser Valley logo
Sport Nova Scotia logo
Recreation New Brunswick logo
Vancouver School Board logo
Swim Ontario logo

What People Are Saying

  • "Creating Inclusive Experiences was one of the best workshops I have witnessed. They delivered a concise, extremely educational experience that left me questioning and unpacking topics that I had never thought about before. I really appreciated the... facilitation style. This training would be great for anyone from any background to be a part of."

    — Sam Rogerson, Global Sports Marketing, lululemon

  • "This workshop was powerful and insightful from start to finish. The workshop was so dynamic and they did a fantastic job of creating an inviting and safe space. I highly recommend these two amazing women of IX!"

    — Christy Goertz, Capilano University, Instructor

  • “I'm really glad that they told us that it was okay to make mistakes.”

    — Student, Vancouver School Board (age 12)

  • "This is a resource that every brand needs to bring to their teams. Shawna and Elisabeth created an incredibly safe (but candid) space to explore the oh-so-frequent stereotypes and barriers that the disabled community experiences, enabling and motivating our teams to move towards a more inclusive experience with our brand."

    — Jessica Foley, Brand Marketing Manager, lululemon

  • "Inclusive Experiences left an impactful and long-lasting impression. I feel much more comfortable with potential scenarios and action plans involving the disabled community. This was an interactive workshop that pushed me to have a deeper connection with my community and the diversity amongst it."

    — Student, Capilano University Description

  • This experience totally changed my perspective! I have a much deeper appreciation for my own biases and how they can impact others and my interactions with them. I will actively work to see these in myself and others - and respectfully speak up.

    Carole Moore, Chief Operating Officer, Oakville Trafalger Memorial Hospital/ Halton Healthcare

  • "These workshops were some of the most impactful sessions I have had the privilege to access in professional development. [...] There’s a clear connection in their shared purpose. Their delivery style kept me engaged, curious and passionate to make change. With a subject as vast as ‘inclusivity’, what I particularly noticed was their ability to acknowledge the complexity while also keeping the information digestible and actionable. There is clear intention and planning into the delivery of their work that considered each person’s personal journey – making this training great any employee who is committed to growing their understanding of inclusive practices. They’ll meet you where you’re at and encourage you to grow."

    — Amie Zimon, Senior Manager, Global Sports Marketing, luluemon

  • Working with Inclusive Experiences was an absolute dream! The workshop was so thoughtful and nuanced, but delivered in a very easy-to-understand way. I'm looking forward to future conversations about how we action this work at our different sites!

    - Samantha David, Director TREDIA Relationships and Initiatives

  • Excellent facilitation skills from a passionate, informed and competent team that works so well together, engaging learners through real stories, real data, real reflection and real action. One of the best learning experiences I have had in many years-with intention for learning shifting to action!

    - Participant, Empowered Kids Ontario Leadershift Conference

  • "Personal, real, authentic, and inspiring!"

    - Anonymous Attendee