Inclusive Experiences logo

We Make
Uncomfortable Conversations
More Comfortable

Image Description: Two smiling white women embrace, both wearing black. One woman has numerous tattoos on her shortened disabled arm with two fingers. Photo by Kyrani Kanavaros

Who We Are

We help companies create more Inclusive Experiences for their customers and clientele.

Working uniquely at the intersection of Innovation and Inclusion, we apply the principles of social innovation and customer experience (CX) to inclusion and equity work.

Inclusion requires adaptation, and we specialize in helping organizations and their staff move beyond inaction and overwhelm, toward meaningful and lasting change. We bring an authentic and lighthearted approach to this work, knowing it can often feel heavy and uncomfortable.

We first bonded while working in the sport sector, connecting over our passion for inclusion, human-centered design, and the love of igniting sparks in others. Our combined experiences and expertise in facilitation, inclusion and innovation make working together feel like a dream. We are obsessed with continuous growth and learning and are on a mission to build a network of allies, accomplices and activists.